Scared of these questions? Are you worried about your future? Don’t know what to do? Relax and chill out! I don’t want to frighten you but believe me people do these mistakes knowingly or unknowingly and regret later due to incomplete information or lack of awareness. In this blog post, I will delve deep into it and with Prof. Vineet Pandey’s expert advice I will tell you all the important points and things to be kept in mind while preparing for the HPSC ASSISTANT PROFESSOR EXAM in ENGLISH LITERATURE.
Hello, HPSC Assistant Professor aspirants! Welcome to The Sahitya Classes blog post page. Your one stop destination for all educational news and latest updates. If you really want to crack the exam and secure a seat in the HPSC Assistant Professor’s Exam 2024 then it is very important to avoid common mistakes that can make your performance low. I have done a lot of questionnaires with the students and aspirants and came to know about some of their personal and professional traits which make them commit these mistakes. I have enlisted those mistakes below in a systematic and point-wise manner for a better clarification along with the remedies as suggested by Prof. Vineet Pandey, senior faculty from Sahitya Classes, New Delhi.
- Lack of a Proper & Structured Study Plan:
- Many students read when they get time. They don’t follow a proper routine. Instead of it, they tend to complete the whole English literature syllabus without making a detailed and realistic study plan. Soon, they get bored due to the lack of self-discipline and belief in their study schedule.
- Vineet Pandey says that all students have different learning temperament and mindset for studying and making notes. For some students it can be good to study early in the morning while some can study till late nights or for the whole night. So, don’t get pressurized with your peer’s performance. You know your body and mind better than anyone else. So, always believe in your hard work and brainstorm in tranquillity to come up with a smart strategy that will work for you.
- Not Following the Exact Syllabus:
- Many students think that they will cover the certain portions of the English Literature syllabus which are very important and frequently asked in the exam. Rest of the syllabus they can ignore and save the time. They will not pay much attention to the rarely asked sections. This is a wrong approach and can cause you to lose important marks.
- Prof. Vineet Pandey suggests that all students should go through the entire English Literature syllabus and make a coherent plan to cover the whole syllabus in the specific timeframe along with a strategic revision plan to get the best outcomes of your tireless efforts.
- Inadequate Understanding of Exam Pattern:
- It is very important for every student to familiarize with the latest exam pattern, types of questions being asked in the exam, and marking scheme being followed by the concerned exam conducting body. Practicing the previous years’ question papers can definitely help you to get a feel of the actual exam.
- Prof. Vineet Pandey suggests that all students must be in coordination with the official websites and notification being released by the HPSC authorities. Simultaneously, you can also visit our official website & YouTube channel for the most authenticated information and updates regarding the exam pattern.
- Neglecting The Most Crucial Part- Revision:
- It does not matter how much contents you have read during the entire course preparation. If you don’t follow a proper revision schedule, your entire exercise will go in vain because without it you may forget important concepts and facts. So, dedicated and quality time for periodic revision session is compulsory.
- Vineet Pandey suggests that all students should revise the last day’s completed topic in the morning. You can also make a weekly and monthly revision plan to catch up the important facts. It will help you in knowing what parts you still remember and where you have to focus again. Try to make sure that you make short and crisp notes which can help while you are revising the topics.
- Overlooking Current Affairs:
- Many students cut themselves from the worldly affairs during their preparation times. It is quite necessary and evitable for the aspirants to have better knowledge of the subject as well as what is going on in the society and country especially regarding your subject and education field. Ignoring this can cost you lose important marks in the exam.
- Prof. Vineet Pandey suggests that aspirants must spend 15-20 minutes of their daily time to go through the day-to-day current affairs and latest developments in their specific educational fields. You can also get newspapers and magazines which sum up the incidents in few points with detailed explanation.
- Poor Time Management:
- Many students don’t bother about their time management skills and try their own hands while attempting the exam. Some students spend too much time on any single question. You need to understand that this is cut-throat competitive field, so it is necessary to deal with each and every question.
- Vineet Pandey asks the students to practice managing their time efficiently during the exam. A student should not spend much time on a single question trying to solve them. Instead, leave them and move on to the other parts of the question paper. If they don’t manage a proper timetable while studying, then the same thing can happen while they attempt the actual exam. So, it is crucial to have a mind map of the way as how they will attempt the real exam.
- Relying Solely on One Source:
- Don’t depend on a single book or resource. Use multiple sources for the complete and comprehensive coverage of the topics.
- Vineet Pandey suggests that the students must not depend on a single book or resource for their study. Also, a lot of study materials and resources can make their preparation a hefty task. So, keep the resources limited and study them as many times as they can. They can use authentic and multiple sources for comprehensive coverage of the unknown topics. Prof. Vineet Pandey’s personal notes can help you a lot in this journey of your exam preparation.
- Ignoring Mock Tests:
- Many students keep on reading again and again but never attempts mock tests which is crucial for assessing their preparation level. They need to seriously analyse their performance to identify and rectify weaknesses.
- Prof. Vineet Pandey recommends that the students must practice a lot of mock tests to have a better understanding of the exam patterns, time management skill, subject-specific knowledge, weak areas to be focused upon, types of questions being asked and how to deal with the exam pressure. Mock tests can give you the feel of the exam before you actually attempt the real exam.
- Neglecting Health and Well-being:
- Many of the times it happens that students feel anxiety, fear and mental turbulence due to which their health gets affected. They don’t follow the proper diet, not having time for exercise, and taking less sleep are vital issues that can actually hamper your performance during preparation and on exam day.
- Prof. Vineet Pandey implies that the students must keep their health in a sound state. As the proverb says ‘‘Health is wealth.’’ What your intake as food inside your body is very important. Always take ample hours of sleep. Avoid all types of negativities especially if possible don’t scroll social media. Keeping your emotional and mental intelligence in the best possible form is necessary for the excellent performance in the exam.
- Last-minute Cramming:
- Some students don’t read from the beginning and just before the 15-20 days of the exam they start cramming things like a computer. This can increase stress and negatively affect their performance.
- Vineet Pandey recommends maintaining a proper balance between your health and study schedule from the very beginning for not having such huge pressures on your body and mind in the last moments before the exam.
- Overconfidence or Underconfidence:
- Maintain a balanced approach. Overconfidence can lead to careless mistakes, while Underconfidence can cause you to doubt your knowledge and abilities.
- Prof. Vineet Pandey says to stay relaxed while preparing for the exam. You just have to go through the process by forgetting all types of worries and random thoughts. It is quite obvious that students get a lot of thoughts in their mind, and none can fully control over it. One thing that can be done is to write them somewhere and the other thing is to talk about the problems with your teachers and family members.
- Not Clarifying Doubts:
- Sometimes, it happens with the students that they just keep on studying and don’t pay much attention towards any doubts they encounter. They think that whatever they have got is enough and need not to get the queries resolved. They avoid seeking help from peers or mentors thinking that people will mock at them.
- Vineet Pandey says that it is better to become a fool just once than being fooled for the whole lifetime. One who does ask the question, remain hungry for the knowledge and knows lot more than any other individual. Never be ashamed to ask questions or queries which you encounter while studying. It will always keep you ahead of others in the life. If you get the questions that means you are learning something new every day and growing every day, personally as well as professionally.
I hope that by reading this article you must have got valuable insights regarding your confusions and doubts. If you have more questions to ask, then don’t forget to comment them below in the box. We will get your queries resolved by our expert faculty Prof. Vineet Pandey. Share this article with your friends who are preparing for the HPSC Assistant Professor exam and subscribe us on our YouTube channel for the most authenticated and latest information. Like this article by giving a thumbs up. Thanks for reading this article. Happy learning!
If you are interested in accessing the latest hardcopy and softcopy notes, course syllabus, previous years’ question papers, answer keys, crash courses, Google Drive Course, and wish to receive personal guidance from Prof. Vineet Pandey, please fill out the form!
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