The candidates shall answer 100 Multiple Choice Questions. Each correct answer carries 1.5 mark and 0.5 marks
shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
Unit-1 British literature from Chaucer to the Contemporary period [40]
Unit – 2 Indian Writing in English [10]
(i) Poetry, Novel, Drama from 1930s till the Contemporary period
(ii) Indian Classical Literature: ‘The Dicing’ and ‘The Sequel to Dicing,’ in the Mahabharata by Vyasa,
Abhijnanasakuntalam by Kalidasa, Mrcchakatika by Sudraka, Bharata's Rasa theory
Unit 3 - American Literature From the 1850s to the contemporary period [10]
Unit – 4-Popular Literatures, Postcolonial Literature, World Literature & Literature of Diaspora [20]
World Literature : Albert Camus, Fyodor Dostoyvosky, Margaret Atwood, Alice Monroe, Pablo Neruda, Octavio
Paz, Henrik Ibsen, August Strindberg, Luigi Pirandello, Eugene Ionesco , Jean Genet, Samuel Beckett ,
Bertolt Brecht
Postcolonial Literature: V S Naipaul, Chinua Achebe, Nadine Gordimer, J M Coetze, Salman Rushdie
Literature of Diaspora – Kiran Desai, Jhumpa Lahiri, Amitav Ghose, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.
Popular Literature: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Shobha De, Chetan Bhagat, Amish Tripathi,
Anuja Chandramouli
Unit–5 Literary Theory and Criticism [10]
- Aristotle : Poetics
- Wordsworth: “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”
iii. Matthew Arnold – “Study of Poetry”, “Culture & Anarchy”
- New Criticism & Formalism – I.A Richards, T.S.Eliot, F.R. Leavis, Cleanth Brooks, William K. Wimsatt Jr. ,
Monroe Beardslay, Victor Sahklovsky, Roman Jacobson.
- Marxist Criticism – Louis Althusser, Raymond Williams,Stephen Greenblatt, Terry Eagleton,
- Structuralism and Post- Structuralism, Ferdinad Saussure, Claude Levi Strauss, Roland Barthes, Jacques
Derrida, Michel Foucault.
vii. Feminism – Virginia Woolf, Simone de Beauvoir, Elaine Showalter, Luce Irigaray, Mary Wollstonecraft.
viii. Post-Colonialism – Edward Said, Homi K. Bhabha, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.
- Eco-criticism and Eco-feminism – Rachel Carson, Colleen Mack-Canty.
Unit -6 Grammar in context [10]
(Subject- verb agreement, Tense and Aspects, Active and Passive voice, Direct and Indirect Speech,
Prepositions, Modals, Phrasal Verbs, Linking Devices, Conditional Sentences