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Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering(GATE) and English Literature

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering started in 1983 exclusively meant for Engineering students, as a qualifying factor to pursue their Post Graduation. The acronym, GATE was a fear factor for Engineering students, as their future relies on their GATE score. A good GATE score resulted in a bright future, as students got an opportunity to study from the best of best Institutions. The exam included all branches of Engineering, out dated and updated branches. In the year, 2020 Authorities planned to include Humanities and Social Science in the list of subjects. Usually Arts is sidelined when compared to Science. Trend changed. And finally English Literature was included and the first exam took place in the year 2021.

Three types of Question:

GATE exam consists generally of three sections and there are three types of questions. They are: Multiple Choice Questions (One answer), Multiple Select Questions (One or More than one answer) and Numerical Answer Type Questions.

Review of GATE 2021 by Vinnet Panday:

As GATE had negative marks, most of the candidate preferred silence over their participation in the historic exam. Confusions prevailed even in the initial stage like filling the application. All these confusions were cleared in a crystal clear manner only by Vinnet Panday.

Regarding the exam:

  • Vinnet Panday was the First person to provide his review on GATE 2021 Exam
  • Exam was moderate and up to the level of Graduation
  • Questions were standard
  • The ration of direct questions might be very close to that of complex questions
  • Assertion and Reasoning types of Questions were more in number
  • Indian theatre, Indian Aesthetics and Dalit Literature were given importance
  • Direct Quotations from the works of Shakespeare and George Orwell were asked
  • Complexity or confusion occurred in few questions ( unheard writers)

One words for GATE exam:

Students who are preparing for NET/JRF, SET seriously, will find it easier to clear GATE. There is no prescribed book that can help with one mark questions. GATE demands utmost knowledge as one wrong answer may change the percentage. Few strategies may be applied to learn for GATE exam

  1. Do attempt quiz for the works of the Author (Example: Just Google Search, Hamlet Quiz)
  2. Go for the websites, were the answer might be accessible at the end of the quiz
  3. Prefer Books that has MCQ’s after one topic gets complete (Example: NTA UGC NET/SET/JRF English by Vinnet Panday)
  4. Be aware of both minor and major writers of the respective age
  5. Generally, few people have a very wrong misconception that learning major work of a Major writer is more than sufficient. But it is not so, better to know everything
  6. It’s advisable not to take a risk in questions( carrying negative marks)in which you have the least confidence
  7. GATE is just an exam. Either you win or you learn

Benefits of GATE (English Literature):

Education is not a trade and no subject is cheaper. The validity of GATE is only for three years. This might appear as a drawback, but it is actually a boon to eyes of the people who really wish to update themselves in their respective academic fields.

Other materialistic Benefits:

  • GATE score helps Literature students gain best platform to do research not only in India, but also in Other Countries
  • Scholars with a good GATE Score are given scholarships
  • As GATE is quite new in the field of Literature, very few people take this test
  • Having GATE behind your identity is rare, enhance Your Profile will be much wanted

In this Competitive and Survival of the fittest World, GATE can help with a Standard Education and a Reputable Job

For more queries, get in touch with us…

Vineet Pandey

2 JRF,8 NET, and 17 SET

(Ex Asst. Professor of the University of Delhi)

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February 16th, 2023 by Sahitya Classes

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