HP TGT/PGT English Literature

“Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty.”
                                                                                                      -Albert Einstein
Are you aspiring to teach in a government school in Himachal Pradesh? If yes, then you need to clear the HP PGT or HP TGT exams. Sahitya Classes brings you a comprehensive combo course that ensures you are fully prepared for these competitive exams with in-depth guidance and HP PGT English literature notes pdf. Also, if you preparing for the HP TGT exams, then you will get notes as per the HP TGT English syllabus.

Sahitya Classes provides:

  1. Personalized mentorship
  2. HP PGT online classes/ HP TGT English online classes
  3. HP PGT English literature notes pdf/ HP TGT English Literature notes
  4. 24-months access
  5. Recorded live lectures
  6. Practice Tests
  7. Regular assessments
  8. Special live classes during exam time

Why choose Prof. Vineet Pandey Sir?

Hailing from a small town, Prof. Vineet has come a long way. He has qualified NET for 10 times and JRF twice. If you are looking for interactive sessions that bring literature to life then, Sahitya Classes should be your top choice. Prof. Vineet’s pedagogy is full of humour and motivation. Through his teaching, he simplifies complex theories while blending it with depth. Learn from him to master the nuances of the exam and achieve outstanding scores.

Still figuring out, check out these facts:

  • 10 NET, 2 JRF, 17 SET & 2 GATE Exam Qualified Professor
  • Author of 3 Best-Selling Books • Ex-Assistant Professor, University of Delhi 📖

Want to know more about him, click here

About Course

The HP PGT course is designed to help aspiring candidates prepare for the Post Graduate Teacher recruitment exam in Himachal Pradesh. This exam is for those who wish to become subject experts of English and teach English at the higher secondary level in government schools.

The HP TGT course is aimed at candidates looking to become Trained Graduate Teachers for middle school level in Himachal Pradesh government schools. This exam focuses on specific subjects, as well as general teaching skills.

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    HP PGT TGT Combo Course by Sahitya Classes

    Upcoming Batches

    Next Batch For UGC NET English Literature

    Start from 25th June 2024 | Tuesday: 11 AM

    Next Batch CUET PG English Literature

    Start from 16th September 2024 | Monday: 11 AM

    Next Batch For HPSC English Literature

    Start from 16th September 2024 | Monday: 11 AM

    Next Batch For HP TGT/PGT English Literature

    Start from 16th September 2024 | Monday: 11 AM

    HP TGT/PGT English Literature Syllabus in Details

    General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh

    • Geography of HP
    • History of HP
    • Culture and Art in HP

    General Knowledge of National/International Affairs

    • National & International Events
    • Economy and Business
    • Sports and Games
    • Current General Knowledge
    • Science & Technology

    Knowledge of Hindi Language

    • Shabd Pad
    • Kriya Bhed
    • Mishra & Sanyukt Vakya
    • Vakyo ka Rupantaran
    • Swar Sandhi
    • Alankar
    • Samas
    • Muhavare & Lokoktiyan
    • Ashish Vakya Shodhan
    • Apathy Gadyansh, etc.

    Knowledge of English Language

    • Proverbs
    • Sentence Structure
    • Tenses
    • Verbs
    • Articles
    • Prepositions
    • Conjunctions
    • Synonyms & Antonyms
    • Vocabulary
    • Phrases

    1. History of English Literature from Chaucer to 1800
    2. Poetry from Chaucer to Pope: -

    Chaucer : The Prologue, The Nun’s Priest’s Tale

    Donne : The Sun-Rising, The Extasie, The Canonization, The

    Anniversary, The Flea, A Valediction: Forbidding


    Milton : Paradise Lost: Book I and Lycidas, L’Allegro

    Pope : The Rape of the Lock, An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot

    1. Shakespeare and his Contemporaries:-

    Marlowe : The Doctor Faustus

    Shakespeare : The Tempest

    Shakespeare : The Twelfth Night

    Ben Jonson : The Volpone

    1. Nineteenth Century Fiction:-

    Emily Bronte : Wuthering Heights

    Charles Dickens : Hard Times

    George Eliot : The Mill on the Floss

    Thomas Hardy : Tess of the D’Urbervilles

    1. History of English Literature: Nineteenth and TwentiethCenturies
    2. Romantic and Victorian Poetry:-

    Blake : Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience

    Wordsworth : Tintern Abbey, Ode: Intimations of Immortality

    Coleridge : The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan

    Keats : Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode on

    Melancholy, To Autumn

    Tennyson : The Lady of Shalott, Ulysses, The Lotos-Eaters

    Browning : Evelyn Hope, The Last Ride Together, MyLast Duchess,

    Rabbi Ben Ezra

    1. Modern Fiction:-

    Virginia Woolf : Mrs. Dalloway

    James Joyce : A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

    D.H. Lawrence : Sons and Lovers

    Joseph Conrad : Heart of Darkness

    E.M. Forster : A Passage to India

    1. Growth and Structure of English Language:-
    2. History of Language

    A.C. Baugh - A History of English Language (Chapters 3 to 9)

    Structure of Language (a) Phonemes: Consonants, Vowels, Stress and Intonation

    (b) Morphemes: Roots and Affixes, Derivational and InflectionalMorphemes, Allomorphs.

    1. Literary Criticism:-

    Aristotle : The Poetics

    Bharat Muni : Natyashastra (Chapter -6)

    Dryden : Essay of Dramatic Poesy

    Coleridge : Biographia Literaria (Chapters 13-18)

    Arnold : The Function of Criticism in the

    Present Time

    Eliot : Tradition and Individual Talent and The Frontiers

    of Criticism

    1. Modern British and American Poetry:-

    W.B. Yeats : The Second Coming, Sailing to Byzantium, A

    Prayer for My Daughter, Among School

    Children, Leda and the Swan

    T.S. Eliot : The Waste Land

    W.H. Auden : The Unknown Citizen, In Memory of W.B.

    Yeats, The Shield of Achilles, September 1, 1939

    Walt Whitman : Song of Myself (1, 5, 33), Out of the Cradle,

    Endlessly Rocking, A Passage to India

    Robert Frost : Birches, Design, Mending Wall, AfterApple

    Picking, The Road not Taken, Home Burial.

    William Carlos Williams : Poems in Modern Poets One (Published by Faber and

    Faber), January Morning, Tract, By the Road to Contagious

    Hospital, A Unison, The Last Words of My English

    Grandmother, The Waken an Old Lady, The Widow’s

    Lament in Springtime, To a Poor Old Woman, The Yachts,


    1. Modern British Drama:-

    G.B. Shaw : Arms and the Man

    Oscar Wilde : An Ideal Husband

    T.S. Eliot : Murder in the Cathedral

    John Arden : Sergeant Musgrave’s Dance

    1. World Fiction:-

    Dostoevsky : Crime and Punishment

    Ernest Hemingway : The Old Man and the Sea

    Margaret Atwood : Surfacing

    Chinua Achebe : Things Fall Apart

    V.S. Naipaul : A House for Mr. Biswas


    African Literature

    Chinua Achebe : A Man of the People

    Ngugi wa Thiong’o : A Grain of Wheat

    Nadin Gordimer : My Son’s Story

    Bessie Head : The Collector of Treasures (Short


    Wole Soyinka : A Dance of the Forests


    Australian Literature

    Patrick White : The Solid Mandala

    David Malouf : Remembering Babylon

    David Williamson : The Removalists

    Jack Davis : No Sugar


    Canadian Literature

    Robertson Davis : Fifth Business

    Sharon Pollock : The Komagata Maru Incident

    M.G. Vassanji : The Book of Secrets

    Lee Maracle : Sundogs

    1. Contemporary Literary Theory:-
    2. Agyeya
    3. Memory and Country
    4. Ferdinand de Saussure
    5. The Object of Study
    6. Nature of the Linguistic Sign
    7. Jacques Derrida
    8. Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the HumanSciences
    9. Terry Eagleton
    10. Capitalism, Modernism and Postmodernism
    11. Roland Barthes
    12. The Death of the Author
    13. Elaine Showalter
    14. Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness

    [Lodge, David, ed. Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader:London: New York:

    Longman, 1988. For Essays: 1-5]

    1. J. Hillis Miller
    2. Culture Studies and Reading

    [Wolfreys, Julian. Literary Theories: A Reader and Guide, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University

    Press, 1997.]

    1. Homi K. Bhabha
    2. Dissemination: Time, Narrative and the Margins of ModernNation”

    [Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin, eds. The Post-Colonial Studies Reader.

    London and New York: Routledge, 1995.]

    1. Indian Writing in English:-

    Raja Rao : Kanthapura

    R.K. Narayan : The Vendor of Sweets

    Anita Desai : Clear Light of Day

    A.K. Ramanujan : The Snakes, Obituary, The Striders Keki

    1. Daruwala : Ruminations, The Fighting Eagles, The

    Mistress, Boat-ride Along the Ganga

    Nissim Ezekiel : Poet, Lover, Birdwatcher, Enterprise,

    The Visitor.

    1. Modern European Drama:-

    Bertolt Brecht : Mother Courage and Her Children

    Henrik Ibsen : Ghosts

    Anton Chekhov : The Cherry Orchard

    Samuel Beckett : Waiting for Godot.


    American Drama:-

    Eugene O’Neill : Desire under the Elms

    Arthur Miller : Death of a Salesman

    Tennessee Williams : The Glass Menagerie

    Edward Albee : Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

    1. Indian Writing in Translation:-

    Kalidas : Abhijnanshakuntalam (English

    translation by M. R. Kale. Pub. Motilal


    Premchand : Intent of Literature”

    Bhisham Sahni : Tamas

    1. R. Ananthamurthy : Samskara

    Mahasweta Devi : Rudali (English translation by Anujam

    Katyal. Pub. Seagull)

    Shiv K. Kumar : Luna (English translation by Ish Kumar)


    Literature and Gender:-

    Virginia Woolf : A Room of One’s Own

    Caryl Churchill : Cloud Nine

    Toni Morrison : Beloved

    Binodini Dasi : An Autobiography (Translated into

    English by Rimli Bhattacharya)


    Native Writing:-

    Maria Campbell : Half-Breed

    Drew Hayden Taylor : Someday

    Kim Scott : Benang

    Sally Morgan : My Place

    Part-II (B.Ed. portion) 20 marks

    Foundation of Education System

     Concept and Nature of Knowledge, Knowledge Acquiring Process.

     Indian Knowledge System; Vedic Education System, Buddhist Education System

     Concept of Education; Meaning, Nature, Modes of Education, Objectives of Education, Approaches to


     Philosophical, Psychological, Sociological and Technological Basis of Education (Meaning and Needs)

     Concept of important Variables: Personality, Intelligence, Creativity, Academic Achievement, Problem

    Solving Ability

    Teacher Education and Related Aspects:-

     Concept of Teacher Education, Historical Aspects of Teacher Education in India, Scope of Teacher

    Education, Types and Levels of Teacher Education Programmes.

     Teacher and Teaching related Concepts, Learner and Learning Related Concepts, Relation between

    Teaching and Learning, Learning Environment, Pillars of Learning.

     Challenges in the field of Teacher Education (Discussion with reference to NEP 2020 also)

    Pedagogy and Teaching Learning Experiences:-

     Communication Skills and its Use

     Models of Teaching; Advance organizer, Concept Attainment, Information Processing, Inquiry Training

     Methods of Teaching

     Preparation and Use of Teaching Learning Material

    Information Technology in Teaching Learning Process

     ICT; Its meaning and use in Teaching Learning Process

     Concept of Open Educational Resources, SWAYAM and MOOCs

     Digital Initiatives in School Education by Government of India

    General knowledge, including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh

    • History
    • Geography
    • Polity
    • Economy
    • Science and Technology
    • Culture and Heritage
    • Sports and Games
    • Environment and Ecology
    • Social Issues and Developments

    Current Affairs

    • National and International Current Events
    • Government Schemes and Initiatives
    • Political Developments and Elections
    • Economic Updates and Budget
    • Science and Technology Advancements
    • Environmental Issues and Conservation Efforts
    • Social and Cultural Trends
    • Sports and Achievements
    • Awards and Honors
    • Health and Healthcare Programs
    • Important Personalities and Obituaries
    • New Policies and Reforms
    • Major Disasters and Relief Efforts
    • Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements

    Everyday Science

    • Basics of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
    • Scientific Method and Inquiry.
    • Environmental Science and Conservation.
    • Health and Hygiene.
    • Nutrition and Food Science.
    • Scientific Developments and Innovations.
    • Everyday Applications of Science.
    • Current Science and Technology Events.
    • General Awareness in Science.

    Logical Reasoning 

    • Seating Arrangement
    • Puzzles
    • Inequalities
    • Syllogism
    • Input-Output
    • Data Sufficiency
    • Blood Relations
    • Order and Ranking

    Social Science

    • History: Ancient, Medieval, Modern, and World History
    • Geography: Physical Geography, Indian Geography, and World Geography
    • Civics and Political Science
    • Economics
    • Sociology
    • Current Affairs and Contemporary Issues
    • Environmental Studies and Ecology
    • Social and Cultural Diversity
    • Governance and Public Policies
    • Disaster Management and Sustainable Development

    General English & General Hindi of Matric standard

    • Cloze Test
    • Reading Comprehension
    • Spotting Errors
    • Sentence Improvement
    • Sentence Correction
    • Para Jumbles
    • Fill in the Blanks
    • Para/Sentence Completion
    • General Instructions

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