Section name (Nature of Questions
Part I - Proficiency in Languages :
- General English
- General Hindi
Part II - Perspectives on Education and Leadership :
■ Understanding the Learner (15 questions)
■ Concept of growth, maturation and development, principles
and debates of development,
Development tasks and challenges with special reference to
the primary and middle school children
■ Domains of Development: Physical, Cognitive, Socioemotional, Moral etc., deviations in development and its
■ Role of Primary and-Secondary Socialization agencies. Steps to ensure Home school continuity.
■ Understanding Teaching Learning (30 questions)
Theoretical perspectives on Learning -Behaviorism,
Cognitivism and Constructivism with special reference to their implications for:
- The role of Principal
- The role of teacher
- The role of learner
■ Nature of teacher-student relationship
■ Choice of teaching methods
■ Classroom environment
■ Understanding of discipline, power etc.
■ Factors affecting learning and their implications for:
■ Designing classroom instructions,
- Planning student activities and,
- Creating learning spaces in school.
- Planning and Organization of Teaching-Learning
■ Concept of Syllabus and Curriculum, Overt and Hidden
■ Preparation of School Time-table
■ Foundational Literacy and Numeracy, Early Childhood Care
and Education
■ Competency based Education, Experiential learning, etc.
■ Instructional Plans: -Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan
- Instructional material and resources
■ Information and Communication Technology(ICT) for
■ Assessment of learning, for learning and as learning:
Meaning, purpose and considerations in planning each.
■ Enhancing Teaching Learning processes: Classroom
Observation and Feedback, Reflections and Dialogues as a
means of constructivist teaching
(c) Creating Conducive Learning Environment (15 questions)
■ The concepts of Diversity, disability and Inclusion,
implications of disability as social construct, types of
disabilities-their identification and interventions
Concept of School Mental Health, addressing the curative,
preventive and promotive dimensions of mental health for all
students and staff. Provisioning for guidance and counselling.
- Developing School and community as a learning resource.
(d) School Organization and Leadership (30 questions)
- Leader as reflective practitioner, team builder, initiator, coach
and mentor.
■ Perspectives on School Leadership: instructional, distributed
and transformative
■ Vision building, goal setting and creating a School
development Plan
■ Using School Processes and forums for strengthening
teaching learning-Annual Calendar, time-tabling, parent
teacher forums, school assembly, teacher development
forums , using achievement data for improving teaching -
learning, School Self Assessment and Improvement
- Creating partnerships with community , industry and other
neighboring schools and Higher Education Institutes – forming
learning communities
(e) Perspectives in Education (30 questions)
■ Role of school in achieving aims of education.
■ NEP-2020: Early Childhood Care and Education: The
Foundation of Learning • Foundational Literacy and
Numeracy; Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools: Holistic &
Integrated Learning; Equitable and Inclusive Educa4tion:
Learning for All; Competency based learning and Education.
Guiding Principles for Child Rights, Protecting and
provisioning for rights of children to safe and secure school
environment, Right of Children td- free and Compulsory
Education Act, 2009,
- Historically studying the National Policies in education with
special reference to school education;
- School Curriculum Principles: Perspective, Learning and
Knowledge, Curricular Areas, School Stages – Pedagogy &