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If you are preparing for the UGC-NET English Literature exam, you need to read through the development of the English language. The Anglo-Saxon age of English Literature begins from 410, and lasts till 1066 AD. This period is one of the most crucial periods of English literary history since this is where English Literature founded its roots from. If you’re preparing for UGC-NET, SET, or other competitive exams in English Literature, here are the top 50 commonly asked questions from this era. But first we need to understand what Anglo-Saxon period is.
What is Anglo-Saxon age?
The Anglo-Saxon Age (c. 450–1066 AD) marks the beginning of English literary history. This period saw the rise of heroic poetry, religious texts, and significant historical records like Beowulf and The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
Who were Anglo-Saxons?
The Anglo Saxons were a group of Germanic tribes who ruled England from 410 CE to 1066. They included the Angles from modern Jutland, who ruled east, north, and midlands, Saxons from the south of Denmark and east of modern Holstein who ruled the south and southwestern regions, and Jutes ruled the Kent in the southeast. The Celtic tribes who lived in England before the Roman invasion were popularly referred to as “Welsh”.
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The Anglo-Saxons practiced paganism and worshipped multiple deities. These tribes considered loyalty as the single most important virtue.
The Anglo Saxons were great poets and were extremely fond of riddles. However, we must note that they did not record or write any of their works. Most of the poetry was meant to be sung and was orally transmitted from generation to generation. Most works were written later by the Roman monks who came to convert England to Christianity in the 6th century.
In 793CE, the Vikings raided and attacked England. Due to this, monasteries and libraries housing rich Anglo-Saxon literature were destroyed. However, during the reign of King Alfred, monasteries were revived and English learning was encouraged. All the four volumes of Old English verses belong to this period. These four volumes are:
- The Junius Manuscript
- The Beowulf Manuscript
- The Vercelli Book
- The Exeter Book
These volumes of Anglo Saxon literature contain poetry composed by diverse unknown poets belonging to diverse backgrounds. They display wide-ranging, layered and complex poetry that was popular during the Anglo Saxon period.
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Common Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon Literature
The most prominent characteristics of the Anglo Saxon period in English literature are:
- Heroic or epic poetry, and religious poetry were the most prominent genres.
- The Anglo-Saxon poetry was written in alliterative verses.
- The Anglo Saxons were great poets and riddlers. However, almost all of their poetry and riddles were transmitted orally. It was only after the christianization of England in the 6th century that literature began to be written instead of being spoken.
- Due to the impact of the Roman Church, majority of high literature was written in Latin. However, religious instructions and poems meant for the masses were composed in English.
- Hardly any prose was written during this period.
After reading a brief introduction about the Anglo-Saxon period, we are now going to look at some of the commonly asked questions related to Anglo-Saxon Literature.
Top 50 common questions on Anglo-Saxon Literature
- In which period or age did the History of English Literature begin?
a) The Medieval Period
b) The Anglo Norman Period
c) The Anglo Saxon Period
d) The Neo-classical Period
Ans: The Anglo Saxon Period
- Beowulf, the only important piece of literature surviving since the Old English Period is a/an
a) lyrical ballad
b) Anglo Saxon epic
c) prose narrative
d) Classical epic
Ans: Anglo Saxon epic
- Which Germanic tribe came to England in the middle of 5th century?
a) The Jutes
b) The Marcomanni
c) The Alamanni
d) The Franks
Ans: The Jutes
- One of the oldest poems Beowulf is written by
a) Caedmon
b) Bede
c) Anonymous
d) Cynewulf
Ans: Anonymous
- The monster Grandel appears in the poem
a) Beowulf
b) Walker
c) Deor’s Lament
d) Widshit
Ans: Beowulf
- Who was the father of Beowulf?
a) Hrothgar
b) Scyld
c) Grandel
d) King Hygelac
Ans: Scyld
- Who was the king of Spear Danes? (50 Important MCQs on The Anglo Saxon Age of English Literature)
a) Grandel
b) Hrothgar
c) King Hygelac
d) Scyld
Ans: Scyld
- Who is called the father of English Learning?
a) Bede
b) Cynewulf
c) Caedmon
d) King Alfred
Ans: Bede
- Who translated The Gospel of Johninto Anglo Saxon?
a) Cynewulf
b) Caedmon
c) The Venerable Bede
d) Alfred
Ans: The Venerable Bede
- Who wrote the Ecclesiastical History of the English People?
a) Caedmon
b) Bede
c) Cynewulf
d) Alfred
Ans: Bede
- Who is the first poet to whom we can give a definite name and date?\
a) Bede
b) Caedmon
c) Cynewulf
d) Alfred
Ans: Caedmon
- Who is known as the “Anglo – Saxon Milton”?
a) Caedmon
b) Cynewulf
c) Bede
d) None of the above
Ans: Caedmon
13) Who wrote Paraphrase?
a) Bede
b) Cynewulf
c) Caedmon
d) None of the above
Ans: Caedmon
- Who wrote Judith?
a) Bede
b) Cynewulf
c) Caedmon
d) None of the above
Ans: Caedmon
- Who wrote The Christ?
a) Bede
b) Cynewulf
c) Caedmon
d) None of the above
Ans: Cynewulf
- Who wrote Juliana?
a) Bede
b) Cynewulf
c) Caedmon
d) None of the above
Ans: Cynewulf
- The writer of The Fates of the Apostles is
a) Bede
b) Cynewulf
c) Caedmon
d) None of the above
Ans: Cynewulf
- Elene was written by
a) Bede
b) Cynewulf
c) Caedmon
d) None of the above
Ans: Cynewulf
- How many signed poems were associated to Cynewulf?
a) five
b) four
c) one
d) three
Ans: four
- Who is known to have written the Wanderer?
a) Bede
b) Cynewulf
c) Caedmon
d) None of the above
Ans: Cynewulf
- Who is known to be associated with the poem the Phoenix?
a) Bede
b) Cynewulf
c) Caedmon
d) None of the above
Ans: Cynewulf
- Who translated Bede’s History in English in Anglo – Saxon Period?
a) Cynewulf
b) Caedmon
c) King Alfred
d) None of the above
Ans: King Alfred
- Who has contributed to English / Saxon Chronicles?
a) Cynewulf
b) Caedmon
c) King Alfred
d) None of the above
Ans: King Alfred
- Which is the oldest Anglo – Saxon Biblical poem?
a) Exodus
b) Beowulf
c) The Christ
d) None of the above
Ans: Exodus
- Beowulf is
a) a Tragic poem
b) an Epic poem
c) Fiction
d) None of the above
Ans: Epic poem
- Which poem is considered the National Epic of England?
a) Andreas
b) Elene
c) Beowulf
d) None of the above
Ans: Beowulf
- In which language did Bede wrote the Ecclesiastical History of the English People?
a) English
b) German
c) Latin
d) None of the above
Ans: Latin
- Who translated Orosius’s “Universal History and Geography” ?
a) King Alfred
b) Bede
c) Cynewulf
d) None of the above
Ans: King Alfred
- The Northumbrian Literature flourished between
a) 750 – 850
b) 650 – 750
c) 650 – 850
d) None of the above
Ans: 650 – 850
- In which year Northumbria was conquered by Danes?
a) 867
b) 850
c) 870
d) 800
Ans: 867
- When was the Battle of Hastings fought?
a) 1066
b) 1067
c) 1068
d) None of the above
Ans: 1066
- Time line of the Anglo – Saxon age of English Literature is
a) 650 – 1066
b) 450 – 1067 (50 Important MCQs on The Anglo Saxon Age of English Literature)
c) 450 – 1066
d) None of the above
Ans: 450 -1066
- When did Alfred became the king of Wessex ?
a) 800 AD
b) 850 AD
c) 871 AD
d) None of the above
Ans: 871 AD
- The character of Heorranda appears in
a) Beowulf
b) Widshit
c) Deor
d) None of the above
Ans: Deor
- The first English Public School was founded by
a) King Alfred
b) The Venerable Bede
c) Danes
d) William Duke
Ans: King Alfred
- St. Augustine came to England from
a) Germany
b) Rome
c) France
d) None of the above
Ans: Rome
- The first Archbishop of Canterbury was
a) Saint Murno
b) Saint Augustine
c) None of the above
Ans: Saint Augustine
- Who is the last of saxon Kings ?
a) King Alfred.
b) Harold
c) None of the above
Ans: Harold
- What is the last known poem of the Anglo – Saxon age of literature?
a) Beowulf\
b) Widshit
c) The Battle of Maldon
d) None of the above
Ans: The Battle of Maldon
- Which poem is also known as the Byrhtnoth’s Death?
a) Beowulf
b) Widshit
c) The Battle of Maldon
d) None of the above
Ans: The Battle of Maldon
- The Treaty of Wedmore belongs to
a) 877
b) 878
d) 860
Ans: 878
- When was Danes defeated by Alfred?
a) 877
b) 878
d) 860
Ans: 878
- Poetry of the Anglo Saxon was passed down through
a) Oral tradition
b) manuscripts
c) paintings
d) none of the above
Ans: Oral tradition
- Who were the original inhabitants of Britain?
a) Angles
b) Saxons
c) Celtes
d) Romans
Ans: Celtes
- Praise of Virginity has been written by
A) Bede
b) Aldhelm
c) Caedmon
d) Cynewulf
Ans: Aldhelm
- King Alfred the great died in the year
a) 900
b) 878
c) 901
d) none of the above
Ans: 901
- 47. Pagan literature believes in
a) God
b) Christianity
c) Nature
d) None of the above
Ans: Nature
- A written literature began to evolve in Britain with the coming of the
a) Danes
b) King Alfred
c) Christian Churches
d) Romans
Ans: Christian Churches
- Which period of English Literature is called the ancestors of English race?
a) The Renaissance
b) The Puritan age
c) The Anglo – Saxon age
d) None of the above
Ans: The Anglo – Saxon age
- Who wrote sermons in a sort of Poetic prose?
a) King Alfred
b) Aelfric, a priest
c) William Langland
d) None of the above
Ans: Aelfric, a priest
If you want to learn about the Anglo-Saxon period in more detail, join the Best coaching for UGC-NET in Delhi, Sahitya Classes! You will get detailed UGC-NET English literature notes and proper guidance from UGC-NET Paper 1 experts and Prof. Vineet Pandey for English Literature. If you are unable to join us offline, you can undertake UGC-NET online classes from the comfort of your home. You will receive rapid fire quiz questions, previous years’ solved question papers, mock-tests for your exam preparation. You will be trained by one of the finest mentors in the domain of English Literature who has himself qualified NET 10 times, JRF twice, and 17 SET exams. You can also join our hybrid classes and access all video lectures on the best app for UGC-NET English.
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